Research Trajectories at the Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Antioquia:
A Scientometric Study, 2011-2020
scientometrics, scientific productivity, visibility, scientific impact, research activityAbstract
Metric studies provide information on the outcomes of scientific activity and offer an insight into scientific endeavors within an institution. A study was conducted to understand the research trajectories at the Facultad de Odontología during the period 2011-2020 to generate reflections and define challenges that guide research activity. A cross-sectional scientometric study was conducted. Based on a literature review, indicators of productivity, visibility, and impact were defined. Information sources were identified according to the established indicators, and data were systematized in Excel matrices for subsequent descriptive analysis. A total of 326 journal articles were identified, with 83% being original research, 8 research-derived books, and 57 review chapter publications. 156 articles were published in Scopus-indexed journals; 75% of the articles were published in open-access journals; 33% in A1 journals, 16% in A2, 13% in B, 13% in C, and 14% in journals not classified in Publindex. Most published articles received up to 20 citations, regardless of the journal's indexing. This study identified the productivity, visibility, and impact of research activity at the Facultad de Odontología while defining the challenges faced by such activity.
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