Publication Fees in Open Access Publishers and Journals Under the APC Model:
Argentina and Colombia
open access, article processing charge (APC), scientific publishing, Argentina, ColombiaAbstract
This study analyzed the article processing charges paid by researchers from Argentina and Colombia for publishing in open access journals. A quantitative study was conducted using computationally extracted data from various databases, cross-referenced with Argentinian and Colombian sources. The 15 publishing groups and the 15 journals in which Argentinian and Colombian researchers make the highest APC payments were identified. On average, articles published by Argentinian authors involve an APC of USD 2,112, while in Colombia, the average APC is USD 1,593. Overall, it is observed that Argentinian researchers and institutions allocated USD 31,052,296 for APC payments between 2013 and 2020, while Colombian researchers and institutions reached USD 11,981,160 during the same period. Concrete computational data-based studies on APC payments in open access publishing are scarce in the academic literature, making this study a significant contribution to the scholarly publishing phenomenon of APC payments by researchers from Argentina and Colombia.
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