Libraries and society: interpretation around the library social vision in the thought of Judith Licea


  • Felipe Meneses Tello Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



libraries and society, excluding libraries, including libraries, plural libraries, multicultural libraries, social library science, Judith Licea


The interpretive approach of the social vision of Mexican librarian Judith Licea was carried out in three spheres. 1. Libraries and excluding society, 2. Libraries and the including society, 3. Libraries and plural society. The thought of Judith Licea around these dimensions was configured using two schemes that go from the general to the particular. This analysis concludes that the social library science viewpoint of the author makes it possible to weave a series of categories associated to what today is called social librarianship. In like manner that the homogenous idea in the sphere of library and information services should be abandoned to open the way for the differentiated idea. The study also shows that the professional librarians have a big challenge in the formal, informal and continuous process of learning and teaching.

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Author Biography

Felipe Meneses Tello, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor in Librarianship and Information Studies. Professor of the College of Library Science, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Coordinator of the Library of the Institute of Mathematics, Area of scientific research, of the same university. Mexico, D. F., Mexico


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How to Cite

Meneses Tello, F. (2010). Libraries and society: interpretation around the library social vision in the thought of Judith Licea. Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 33(2), 315–336.


