
  • Claudia Ríos Gómez Universidad de Granada
  • Víctor Herrero Solana Universidad de Granada



Scientific production, Latin America, Caribbean , Bibliometrics, Scientific Journals


In order to provide a general overview of the bibliographic coverage of Latin American scientificproduction and its contribution to world science, the author undertook an analysis of the state ofscientific journals in the region, both those considered to be in the mainstream of science and thosewhich are not. She also identifies some of the initiatives and projects that have enabled thesepublications to rise to the level of international visibility and greater recognition as well at the nationallevel. Also mentioned are some of the socio-economic factors that are linked to scientific productionin each county, as well as the relationship between this type of indicators and production. The articleconcludes by discussing the state of production in the principal fields of science.

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Author Biographies

Claudia Ríos Gómez, Universidad de Granada

PhD student and researcher in the Andalusian Scientific Information System -SICA- project of the Faculty of Library Science and Documentation, University of Granada, Spain.

Víctor Herrero Solana, Universidad de Granada

Professor at the Faculty of Library Science and Documentation, University of Granada. Spain.


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How to Cite

Ríos Gómez, C., & Herrero Solana, V. (2011). LATIN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION AND WORLD SCIENCE: A LITERATURE REVIEW (1989-2003). Revista Interamericana De Bibliotecología, 28(1).


