Structural modelling of Potato virus a (PVA, Potyvirus) coat protein


  • Pablo Gutiérrez Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Sara Bastos-Aristizábal Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Mauricio Marín Universidad Nacional de Colombia



virus capsid, structural model, Potyvirus, PVA


In contrast to icosahedric viruses, a high-resolution structure of flexuous viruses of plants belonging to the family Potyviridae has yet to be obtained. Potyviruses are economically important in agriculture due to their ability to infect crops such as potato, tomato, tobacco, papaya, and sugar cane, among many others; thus an understanding of its three-dimensional structure might provide valuable insight into biological mechanisms, with the aim of designing control strategies. In this study, we present a model for the three-dimensional structure of the core region of Potato virus A (PVA), using a combination tool to predict the secondary structure and docking. The model presented has dimensions compatible with the low resolution structure in other studies using electron microscopy and will be highly useful in the design of experiments of directed mutagenesis aimed at understanding potyvirus assembly and as a basis for modelling the structure of other important related virus species of importance in Colombia, such as Potato virus Y (PVY), Tamarillo leaf malformation virus (TaLMV), and Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV).

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Author Biography

Pablo Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Industrial Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences. National University of Colombia (Medellín Headquarters). Medellin (Antioquia), Colombia


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez, P., Bastos-Aristizábal, S., & Marín, M. (2017). Structural modelling of Potato virus a (PVA, Potyvirus) coat protein. Actualidades Biológicas, 33(94), 75–84.



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