Genetic diversity in the germplasm bank of mulberry [Morusspp. (Rosales: Moraceae)] belonging to the “El Pilamo” Experimental Farm, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira (Risaralda), Colombia


  • Duverney Gaviria-Arias Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Enrique Aguilar-Fernández Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Heidy Navia-Morocho Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Álvaro Alegría-Soto Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira



AFLPs, molecular characterization, population structure, Morus spp.


Using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), the genetic diversity of 31 accessions of the mulberry, Morus spp. (Moraceae) from the germplasm collection of the experimental farm “El Pílamo” (Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia) were analyzed. Five primer combinations generated 152 polymorphic AFLP bands with an average correlation of 20% and allowed analysis of 64.12% of the total diversity present in these accessions. Genetic diversity, relationships among the accessions and the degree of population structure were evaluated. The primer combinations showed mean heterozygosity and genetic diversity values of 0.2332 and 0.2302, respectively. Cluster analysis showed that each of the 31 accessions has a different molecular genotype. Five groups were recognized. AMOVA analysis revealed that 77% of the diversity was within populations and 23% between the recognized molecular groups. The groups exhibited an FST value of 0.235 and a gene flow value of 1.1. The molecularly established groups showed elevated levels of both genetic distance and polymorphic loci, especially populations 1 and 5. We conclude that mulberry has high genomic complexity, as evidenced in the collection investigated here.

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Author Biographies

Duverney Gaviria-Arias, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Technological University of Pereira. Vereda "La Julita", Pereira (Risaralda), Colombia.

Enrique Aguilar-Fernández, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Technological University of Pereira. Vereda "La Julita", Pereira (Risaralda), Colombia.

Heidy Navia-Morocho, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Technological University of Pereira. Vereda "La Julita", Pereira (Risaralda), Colombia.

Álvaro Alegría-Soto, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Technological University of Pereira. Vereda "La Julita", Pereira (Risaralda), Colombia.


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How to Cite

Gaviria-Arias, D., Aguilar-Fernández, E., Navia-Morocho, H., & Alegría-Soto, Álvaro. (2017). Genetic diversity in the germplasm bank of mulberry [Morusspp. (Rosales: Moraceae)] belonging to the “El Pilamo” Experimental Farm, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira (Risaralda), Colombia. Actualidades Biológicas, 34(96), 33–42.



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