Roadway mortality of mammals on the El Escobero road, Envigado (Antioquia), Colombia


  • Carlos A. University of Antioquia



Andes, roadkills, Colombia, Valle de Aburrá, mammals


Vertebrate roadkills is a generalized problem around the world but scarcely documented on Colombian roads. Here it is described roadway mortality of mammals in a six year-period (2000-2006) on the El Escobero road (Envigado, Antioquia). Mammal groups that presented the greatest frequencies of road mortality were marsupials (34.6%), rodents (34.5%) and carnivores (20.6%). It is suggested an evaluation of wildlife mortality on Colombian roads. Additionally environmental authorities are motived to carry out: i) educational programs about the unknown local fauna; and ii) place signposts along the El Escobero road to notify drivers of the presence of wild fauna.

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Author Biography

Carlos A., University of Antioquia




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How to Cite

Delgado-V., C. A. (2017). Roadway mortality of mammals on the El Escobero road, Envigado (Antioquia), Colombia. Actualidades Biológicas, 29(87), 1–6.



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