Structure and composition of vegetation in a tropical dry forest remnant in San Sebastián, Magdalena (Colombia). I. composition of vascular plants
tropical dry fores, composition, vascular plants, ColombiaAbstract
Colombia). We used a sample of 40 quadrats of 100 m2 each, for a total sample area of 0.4 ha. We found 155 species of vascular plants in 42 families, among which Leguminosae, Bignoniaceae, Rubiaceae, Malpighiaceae, Capparidaceae, Hippocrateaceae and Sapindaceae are the ones with more species. We identify 75 genera, being Capparis (Capparidaceae) the most diverse with seven species. Half of the sampled individuals belong to the families Rubiaceae, Ulmaceae, Leguminosae and Bignoniacea. With respect to the growth habit, we found that most of the individuals were trees, followed by lianas and shrubs. Half of the lianas belong to three families, with Bignoniaceae as the best represented group, with thirteen species.
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