Variation of some physico-chemical parameters in Pescador River, Valle del Cauca, during El Niño 1997/1998-La Niña 1998/1999
climatic alterations, watershed, tropical dry forest, nitrogen, phosphorus, turbidity, hardness, ironAbstract
The impacts of both El Niño and La Niña on oceanic and coastal areas of the Pacific are currently investigated. However,they have not been widely documented in continental ecosystems. The aim of this paper is to determine if the hydrological differences promoted by both El Niño and La Niña influence the physico-chemical characteristics of the stream water in the watershed of Pescador River, northern Valle del Cauca. Twelve physico-chemical parameters were measured along with the discharge at both up and lowland sites during 1998 (El Niño) and 1999 (La Niña). The intensity of both climatic events was determined based on rainfall and discharge time-series, and most hydrological alterations were noted. Water chemistry variables were compared with a repeated measures ANOVA to test the effect of both events and their interaction with watershed site. Minimal flows reached the lowest historical values due to rainfall reductions during El Niño, despite flood frequency remained nearly the same. The rainfall increased during La Niña period and positively affected both mean and peak flows. Temperature was significantly reduced during La Niña, especially in the lowland site. Concentration of phosphorus and iron were higher during La Niña year. The nitrification increased nitrate concentration but dropped dissolved oxygen during this year. Nevertheless, these variations were not significantly correlated with daily discharge,suggesting that they depended on sustained runoff over longer periods. Turbidity was the only variable significantly related to daily discharge as a function of precipitation. The likely sources of both phosphorus and nitrogen are discussed and the effects of these climatic changes on the aquatic community of Pescador river are summarized.
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