Edge effect on blue crab population Cardisoma guanhumi (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) in the mangrove of El Uno Bay, Uraba Gulf (Colombia): an approximation to the folk catchery.


  • Andrea Arroyave-Rincón Universidad de Antioquia
  • Viviana Amortegui-Torres Universidad de Antioquia
  • Juan F. Blanco-Libreros Universidad de Antioquia
  • Alexander Taborda-Marín Universidad de Antioquia




land crab, mangrove forest, deforestation, anthropopehic edge effect


The potential impacts of mangrove clearing on communities of benthic macro invertebrates are uncertain and poorly studied in Colombia, particularly in the Caribbean region. This study investigated the effect of mangrove conversion to pasture on the population of blue crab Cardisoma guanhumi (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) in the El Uno bay mangrove, Uraba Gulf (Colombia). From March to Aprile 2012, we conducted daily sampling of specimens in three different vegetational covers: mangrove interior, pasture and mangrove-pasture edge (an anthropogenic edge produced by mangrove deforestation). Wr compared the distribution, abundance, weight and body size of C. Guanhumi specimens, and the abundance, diameter, and bioturbation of their burrows. Visits and interviews with folk crab haversters were conducted during Easter Week. We found a higher number of individuals form the mangrove interior exhibiting greater weight and size than those in pasture and edge, with no differences documented between the latter two. We found no differences in the number of burrows or amount of removed sediment (bioturbation) among the different cover types, and there was no significant relationship between. Burrow diameter and bioturbation. We observed a high pressure on this crab population due to folk harvest during the sampling period. In conclusion, we demonstrated the occurrence of an edge effect on the C. Guanhumi population promoted by mangrove conversion to pasture. 

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Author Biographies

Andrea Arroyave-Rincón, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Biology, Elice Research Group

Viviana Amortegui-Torres, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Biology, Elice Research Group

Juan F. Blanco-Libreros, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Biology, Elice

Docente Research Group, Institute of Biology

Alexander Taborda-Marín, Universidad de Antioquia

Institute of Biology, Elice Research Group


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How to Cite

Arroyave-Rincón, A., Amortegui-Torres, V., Blanco-Libreros, J. F., & Taborda-Marín, A. (2017). Edge effect on blue crab population <i>Cardisoma guanhumi</i> (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) in the mangrove of El Uno Bay, Uraba Gulf (Colombia): an approximation to the folk catchery. Actualidades Biológicas, 36(100), 47–57. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.acbi.331377



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