Spatial-temporal patterns of the structure and composition of the litter in the streams of the Gorgona National Natural Park
riparian forests, Cespedesia macrophylla, floristic diversity, litter, Gorgona Island, secondary successionAbstract
This work estimates the structure and composition of the accumulated litter tafocenosis in the bed of nine streams of Gorgona Island in April and June 2008. The pácora (Cespedesia macrophylla) was the dominant species in terms of total biomass throughout the island. , although it was more abundant in the streams whose riparian forests were deforested before the declaration of the national park or are subject to natural disturbances (eg, falling trees and landslides) that frequently open the canopy. However, more than one hundred morphospecies were recorded, twenty-two of which were recorded in both samplings. Most of the species contribute little biomass and number of leaves, and therefore do not appear to be functionally important. In addition to the dominant species, the total biomass, total abundance (number of leaves) and richness of tafocenosis differ significantly between the streams, possibly as a consequence of the successional state of the riparian forest. During the rainy season, the biomass of the accumulated litter was significantly reduced.
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