
  • Angélica Solano National university of Colombia
  • Chemistry Department Gaitán National university of Colombia
  • Patricia Restrepo National university of Colombia
  • Ignacio Rodríguez National university of Colombia
  • Fabián Parada National university of Colombia



carbon dioxide, cashew, pressurized fluid extraction, supercritical fluid


This investigation is based on the application of pressurized CO2 to obtain cashew nut shell (A. occidentale L.)liquid (CNSL). After preliminary experiments where three made in home extraction equipment were tested, anexperimental design was applied to evaluate the best condition of extraction. Making three steps ofpressurization-depressurization 40, 50, and 60 oC, respectively, using a cascade counterflow extractor, to 2.500-2.700 psi and 45 min, a yield of the CNSL extracted of 20,3% was obtained. This extract was free of solventresidues and signs of thermal or oxidative degradation

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Author Biographies

Angélica Solano, National university of Colombia

Chemistry Department

Chemistry Department Gaitán, National university of Colombia

Chemistry Department

Patricia Restrepo, National university of Colombia

Chemistry Department

Ignacio Rodríguez, National university of Colombia

Chemistry Department

Fabián Parada, National university of Colombia

Chemistry Department


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How to Cite

Solano, A., Gaitán, C. D., Restrepo, P., Rodríguez, I., & Parada, F. (2018). CASHEW NUT(A. OCCIDENTALE) PROFIT THROUGH THE PRODUCTION OF CASHEW NUT SHELLLIQUID (CNSL) WITH PRESSURIZED CO. Actualidades Biológicas, 27(1), 6.



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