DNA extraction using minimally invasive samples in Xenarthra order Pilosa, a contribution to theirconservation
DNA, Bradypodidae, DNA integrity, Genetic, MyrmecophagidaeAbstract
Xenarthrans are a group of mammals of great historical and ecological importance originated in SouthAmerica. The implementation of molecular genetics techniques in these animals are on the rise with thepromise of expanding our knowledge. The minimally invasive sampling methods are a success tool forgenetic monitoring in conservation and we probe that could be used for future studies in xenarthrans.We compared the quality and quantity of DNA extracted from blood, tissue, saliva, feces, and hair usingtwo commercial extraction kits: PrepFiler™ and GeneJET™. DNA concentration, purity and integrity weredetermined using Spectrophotometry, and electrophoresis, respectively. A two‐factor mixed ANOVA andTukey Multiple Comparison Test were used to compare mean DNA concentrations between DNA extractionmethods and across biological sample types. The highest yields were of DNA obtained from tissue samplewith PrepFiler™ kit, with means in amount (5.25 ng/μL) and purity (1.87) higher than the other samples, and clear and integrated bands on the electrophoresis gel. However, we cannot recommend the use of this samplein live animals. The DNA obtained from saliva with the extraction kit PrepFiler™ offers similar results in termsof amount (mean 3.56 ng/μL), purity (1.85) and integrity of the DNA, and the Tukey comparison shown thanbetween saliva and blood does not exist significant differences (p= 0.1028), and the obtainment of salivasamples requires less intervention to the animal. For this reason, we concluded DNA extraction using thePrepFiler™in saliva samples is the best option for extracting high quality DNA in studied species.
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