In vitro propagation and tisular diferentiation in Lippia dulcis


  • Aura I. Urrea University of Antioquia
  • Paula A. Castrillón University of Antioquia
  • Zulma Monsalve University of Antioquia



callus, Lippia dulcis, cell suspension, micropropagation


A methodology for in vitro establishment, multiplication and callus formation of Lippia dulcis (Verbenaceae) is described. Furthermore, an essay for establishment of cellular suspension was realized. Initial explants shoot tips and nodal segments from plants grown under greenhouse were used. The treatment more effective for induction and multiplication of L. dulcis from shoot tips or nodal segments was MS medium free of growth regulators. To achieve the colour and adequate texture, the medium for callus formation and multiplication (MS by adding 2,4D 0,1 mg/l) needs to be renew each 20 days. The cellular suspension establishment, with a high percentage of viability, was possible in MS medium and the hormonal combination 2,4 D (0.5 mg/l) + Kinetina (0.1 mg/l).

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How to Cite

Urrea, A. I., Castrillón, P. A., & Monsalve, Z. (2010). <i>In vitro</i> propagation and tisular diferentiation in <i>Lippia dulcis</i>. Actualidades Biológicas, 31(90), 1–9.



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