The aesthetic concept in accounting: a view rom the environmental viewpoint


  • Yessica Cadavid Zuleta University of Antioquia
  • Maritza Agudelo Vélez University of Antioquia
  • Carolina Moreno Rivera University of Antioquia
  • Daniela Saldarriaga Saldarriaga University of Antioquia


aesthetic, environmental accounting, sustainability develop, harmony


The  objective  of  this  academic  article  focuses  on  identify  in accounting, and the accounting profession, the factor that in our perception is considered as aesthetic  beauty that makes the discipline serve as sustenance for the solution of the problems and the impacts that it generates in different areas.   To   do   this,   approach   perceived   the   environmental   accounting, emphasizing  in  it  the  position  of  the  counter  and  organizations  in  preserving sustainability  as  the  process  of  future  interactions  with  the  environment, because nowadays, there is a great occupation and concern for the issue, with actions  aimed  at  the  preservation  of  the  environment,  but  perhaps  very  little awareness.

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Author Biographies

Yessica Cadavid Zuleta, University of Antioquia

Accounting Student.

Maritza Agudelo Vélez, University of Antioquia

Accounting Student.

Carolina Moreno Rivera, University of Antioquia

Accounting Student.

Daniela Saldarriaga Saldarriaga, University of Antioquia

Accounting Student.


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How to Cite

Cadavid Zuleta, Y., Agudelo Vélez, M., Moreno Rivera, C., & Saldarriaga Saldarriaga, D. (2015). The aesthetic concept in accounting: a view rom the environmental viewpoint. Adversia, (16), 1–16. Retrieved from



Contabilidad ambiental