Structure and speech: problem and questions of the diagnosis (structure, speech, and diagnosis)
diagnosis, structure, psychoanalysis teachingAbstract
The structural clinic, tackle here from the standpoint of diagnosis and depression clinical examples, will be discuss in relation with psychoanalysis teaching in universities. When psychoanalysis istaught at the universities is important to provide the students with basic theoretical elements. But always there are increasing uncertainties in the clinical psychoanalysis, but they are not always considered. What place might take this in the Psychoanalysis teaching at the universities? What relation might be between the teaching of the psychoanalysis and what is putted on relief in the psychoanalytical institutions, that is, in two different speeches? Clinical dialecting, teaching and research, we studywhat it is possible to know about the structure and what escape for unknown, but that is important to include inside the context of Psychoanalytical teaching; leaving, in this way, open the possibility to something new.
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