Structure of the law and the superego


  • Marcela Ana Negro Kennedy University



structure, superego, law, exception


This work is a part of an investigation for the Doctorate of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires. It points to clarify some aspects of the relationship of the superego with the law, a relationship that both Freud and Lacan left indicated as problematic. The concept of structure will serve as a bridge to place the entailmentbetween them.

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Author Biography

Marcela Ana Negro, Kennedy University

Degree in psychology. Graduated from the Clinical Section of the Freudian Field, Argentina, 1999. Master in Psychoanalysis, Kennedy University. Diploma from the Clinical Institute of Buenos Aires, Institute of the Freudian Field. Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, ongoing since 2010. Graduate Professor of the Dept. of Psychoanalysis, Univ. Kennedy, 1996-2001. Associate Professor of the Master's in Psychoanalysis, Kennedy University, Argentina.


Delgado, O. (2008) La voracidad del superyó y la violencia del ello. En Revista Consecuencias nº 6,nov. 2008. Recuperado de:

Lacan, J. (1981) El Seminario, Libro 1: Los escritos técnicos de Freud(1953-4). (Trad. R. Cevasco y V. Mira Pascual). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.

Lacan, J.(1983) ElSeminario, Libro 2:El yo en la teoría de Freud y en la técnica psicoanalítica (1954-55). (Trad. I. Argoff). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.

Lacan, J.(1984) ElSeminario, Libro 3: Las Psicosis (1955-56). (Trad. J-L.Delmont-Mauri y D. Rabinovich). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.

Lacan, J.(1994) El Seminario, Libro 4: La relación de objeto (1956-57). (Trad. E. Berenguer) BuenosAires, Argentina: Paidós.

Lacan, J.(1961-62) El Seminario, Libro 9: La identificación(1961-2). Versión estenográfica s/d.

Lacan, J.(1989) El Seminario, Libro 20: Aun (1972-73).(Trad. D. Rabinovich Delmont-Mauri y J. Sucre). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.



How to Cite

Negro, M. A. (2012). Structure of the law and the superego. Affectio Societatis, 9(16), 1–6.