Sacrifice and negotiation: some subjective obstacles to feminist conquests


  • Héctor Gallo University of Antioquia
  • Ángela Jaramillo University of Antioquia
  • Mario Elkin Ramírez University of Antioquia



sacrifice, woman, femininities, superego


Some feminist women seen in consultation, find a subjective obstacles to the feminism conquest; one research about that matter and published as the book:Femininities, sacrifice and negotiation in the time of rightsreveals that beyond the cultural conditioning of the patriarchy, these women have to solve an issue with their feminine superego to overcome this impasse. This article is a reflection-synthesis of such research.

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Author Biographies

Héctor Gallo, University of Antioquia

Psychoanalyst. PhD in Psychology. Member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and of the New Lacanian School-headquarters of Medellín. Professor in the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Antioquia.

Ángela Jaramillo, University of Antioquia

Psychoanalyst. Master in Social Sciences: emphasis on Psychoanalysis, culture and social bond. Associate of the New Lacanian School-headquarters of Medellín. Professor of the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Antioquia.

Mario Elkin Ramírez, University of Antioquia

Psychoanalyst. Doctor of Psychology. Member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and of the New Lacanian School-headquarters of Medellín. Professor in the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Antioquia.


Coria, C. (1997). Las negociaciones nuestras de cada día. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.

Miller, J.-A. (2004). Psicoanálisis y política. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grama.

Robert, P. (1988). Le petit Robert. París, Francia: Robert.



How to Cite

Gallo, H., Jaramillo, Ángela, & Ramírez, M. E. (2012). Sacrifice and negotiation: some subjective obstacles to feminist conquests. Affectio Societatis, 9(16), 1–22.