Funes: the paradox of memory
memory, thinking, oblivion, lapse, enigmaAbstract
This paper aims to follow Jacques Lacan's guide-lines on the approach that psychoanalysis must have to literary work, without succumbing to the misnamed applied psychoanalysis, respecting the author's words, without diagnostic aspirations, and from the enigmas the work offers. A reading of Jorge Luis Borges' Funes the Memorious is hoped.
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Borges, J. (2001) Funes el memorioso. En: El mundo, No.9. Barcelona, España: Ficciones.
Freud,S. El Moisés de Miguel Ángel. En: Obras Completas, Vol. XIII. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Amorrortu editores.
Lacan,J. (1959) Seminario 6: El deseo y su interpretación. Texto no establecido. Recuperado de la base do-cumental Folio Views 4.2.
Lacan,J. (1989) Lituraterre. En: El Seminario de Jacques Lacan, libro 18:De un discurso que no fuera del semblante. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.
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