A number instead of a proper name


  • Ana Lucía Sanín Catholic University of Pereira




proper name, Homo Sacer, concentration camp, identification, trace


This article comes from the approaches of Giorgio Agamben on the concentration camps, the Homo Sacer and the Bare Life, questioning from psychoanalysis what is happening with the proper name in the novel Fatelessness by the Jewish writer Imre Kertész, especially for its main character. The objective of this paper is to analyze, from the elements that this literary work offers, how people are divested of all their identifying references, being deprived of their objects, their hair, their proper name, and, finally, their desire to live. In Agamben's terms, this corresponds to the reduction of the human being to the status of Bare Life, and according to Lacan, to a condition of object, cancelling their registration in the Other.

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Author Biography

Ana Lucía Sanín, Catholic University of Pereira

Psychologist, University of Antioquia. Specialist in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis on Mental Health, Pontifical Bolivarian University. Magister in Psychoanalytic Research, University of Antioquia. Professor at the Catholic University of Pereira (Colombia), in the area of psychoanalysis. Researcher of the line in Psychoanalysis, trauma and contemporary symptoms of the Clinical and Mental Health research group.


Agamben, G. (2005) Lo que queda de Auschwitz. Valencia, España: Pre-textos.

Agamben, G. (1998) Homo Sacer. El poder soberano y la nuda vida. Valencia, España: Pre-textos.

Agamben, G. (2001) Medio sin fin. Notas sobre la política. Valencia, España: Pretextos.

Gómez, M. (2010) Identidad y nombre propio: del estado de excepción al sujeto de la verdad. Córdoba, España: Jorge Sarmiento Editor.

Kertész, I. (2007) Dossier K. Barcelona, España: Acantilado.

Kertész, I (2003) Sin destino. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Sol 90.

Lacan, J.(1961-1962) La identificación, seminario 9. Folio View 4.2, versión electrónica.

Lacan, J(1964-1965) Problemas cruciales del psicoanálisis, seminario 12.Folio View 4.2, versión electrónica.

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Tesone, J.E. (2011). El nombre propio en la encrucijada transgeneracional. Periódico mensual Imago Agenda, 155 (noviembre de 2011).



How to Cite

Sanín, A. L. (2013). A number instead of a proper name. Affectio Societatis, 10(18), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.15631