On human construction in languaje


  • César Augusto Sánchez Taborda University Institution of Envigado




language, psyche, clinic, structure


This paper presents some specific ideas with which it proposes to guide the articulation between language and psychic constitution. It also highlights some of the ideas that we consider to become essential milestones when discussing the manifestations of speech in the clinical dimension. We take the Freudian guide, according to which the free association allows access to the unconscious, and thus psychoanalysis gets away from other therapeutics and positions language—in the same way that some authors like Octavio Paz do—as a matter closely related to existence. In this perspective, we go over Jacques-Alain Miller's ideas. Following Lacan, he gives language a symmetry with the notion of "structure‟.

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Author Biography

César Augusto Sánchez Taborda, University Institution of Envigado

Psychologist. Psychoanalyst. Master in Social Sciences: Psychoanalysis, culture and social bond, University of Antioquia. Candidate for Doctor of Philosophy, Pontifical Bolivarian University (Colombia). Teacher at the Envigado University Institution (Colombia). 


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Lacan, J. (1984b). La instancia de la letra en el inconsciente o la razón desde Freud. En: Escritos 1. Madrid, España: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.

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Miller, J.-A. (1987). Matemas I. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Manantial.

Miller, J.-A. (1994). Matemas II. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Manantial.

Paz, O. (1994). El arco y la lira. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Saussure, F. d. (1976). Curso de lingüística general. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Losada.



How to Cite

Sánchez Taborda, C. A. (2014). On human construction in languaje. Affectio Societatis, 11(21), 57–72. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.20241