The virtual networks and new ilusions of culture: approach to the delimitation of a subject of study


  • John James Gómez University of Santiago de Cali



cyberspace, subjectivity, virtual networks, culture


This paper is a result of the research project called “Modes of Social Bond and Subjectivity in the Age of Cyberspace”. An initial approach is made to the formulation of the conjectures of work accomplished from theoretical reflection, based on texts by Freud and Lacan as well as by some authors who have currently addressed the issue of virtuality. Such conjectures respond to the analysis exercise based on some key concepts contributed by psychoanalysis and by some authors from the social sciences, and a short story as a kind of case report is the excuse to outline some questions about the implications on subjectivity.
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Author Biography

John James Gómez, University of Santiago de Cali

Psychoanalyst. Psychologist. Master in Sociology and Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Full-time Professor of the Psychology Program at the Santiago del Cali University (Colombia). Member of the Subjectivity and Culture Research Group of the same Institution. Professor and member of the Academic Committee of the Specialization in Psychoanalytic Clinic of the Inter-American Open University in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Visiting Professor of the Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis at the John F. Kennedy Argentine University. Member of the Lacanian Analysis Collective (CANAL).


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How to Cite

Gómez, J. J. (2015). The virtual networks and new ilusions of culture: approach to the delimitation of a subject of study. Affectio Societatis, 12(23), 17–32.