What kind of elements for psychosis?: the case of Anders Breivik


  • Diego Enrique Londoño Paredes San Buenaventura University




psychosis, structural diagnosis, forensic psychiatry, psychoanalysis, paraphrenia


The case of the Norwegian mass murderer, Anders Breivik, has created enormous challenges for forensic psychiatry and has also sparked controversy and differences inside this discipline. We therefore propose a different view of this case and present a reading of it from a structural diagnosis coming from the teaching of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and from the existing material around Breivik's life, especially from his manifesto 2083: A European Declaration of Independence. Psychosis, from a structural point of view, seems to properly fit both Breivik and the logic that supports it. At the end of the paper we will suggest a diagnosis that in our opinion suits more accurately the actions and intentions of this enigmatic person.

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Author Biography

Diego Enrique Londoño Paredes, San Buenaventura University

Psychologist. Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology and Doctor in Psychology from the Université Rennes 2, France. Clinical psychologist, outpatient clinic, Clínica la Inmaculada, Bogotá. Professor of the San Buenaventura University (Bogotá), Colombia.


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How to Cite

Londoño Paredes, D. E. (2015). What kind of elements for psychosis?: the case of Anders Breivik. Affectio Societatis, 12(23), 156–172. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.23674