Social movements: the new psychological mass?
social bond, psychology, mass, psychoanalysis, social movementAbstract
Freud seems to explain the psychological behavior of the organized masses from the mental processes of the individual psyche. Under the Freudian considerations and in light of certain Lacanian findings, the present research work, the result of an investigation thesis of the Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis, Subjectivity, and Culture at the National University of Colombia, will characterize a new collective formation that has been growing from the 1980s and that seems to be radically different from the Freudian psychological mass. This is the Social Movements, so called by the most recent sociologists and scholars of collective psychology. This new collective formation appears to call into question the Freudian insights on group psychology, or it demands at least a new consideration of masses from the psychoanalytic contributions.
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