What a thing is the contemporary?


  • Jordi Santiago Flores Central University of Venezuela




social bond, violence, subjectivity, globalization, jouissance


Something is verified as a sign of the present time: things are not anymore as they were before. Behind this statement there is a resource to which, in less than one hundred years, different discourses have resorted in order to establish the axis of various problems in the contemporary social bond. Some knowledge, therefore, must be concealed by this generic statement that is also expressed in terms of lost or already-corrupted good morals. This paper is an effort to establish the structural traits that try to identify what corresponds to an ancient time in contrast to this contemporary that passes full of demands to the exercise of a past time.

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Author Biography

Jordi Santiago Flores, Central University of Venezuela

Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies and the Center for Critical and Sociocultural Research of the Simón Bolívar University. Doctorate in the line "Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences", of the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences of the Central University of Venezuela. Participant as an Associate in the New Lacanian School in Caracas.


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How to Cite

Flores, J. S. (2017). What a thing is the contemporary?. Affectio Societatis, 14(26), 90–110. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.affs.326302