Lacan between Kant and Sade: the paternal law and the pluralization of the Names-of-the-Father


  • André Fernando Gil Alcon Cabral Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Oswaldo França Neto Federal University of Minas Gerais



perversion, Kant with Sade, Name-of-the-Father, Names-of-the-Father, object a


In the text “The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire”, Lacan explains that the real function of the father is to join law with desire. Such function allows to bring the Name-of-the-Father closer to the Kantian categorical imperative. Nevertheless, we see that Sade also stopped in this sort of knotting in which law is tied to the pure desire, so that nothing prevents the Sadian apathy (radical rejection of the empirical world) be evidenced as a constitutive logic of the subject. Such issue is tackled by Lacan in “Kant with Sade” and in the Names-of-the-Father Seminar: to propose Names that, effectively, alienate desire to the phenomenic world.

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Author Biographies

André Fernando Gil Alcon Cabral, Federal University of Minas Gerais

Master in Psychoanalytic Studies by the Graduate Program in Psychology at UFMG. Specialization in Psychoanalytic Theory and specialization in Philosophical Issues by UFMG.

Oswaldo França Neto, Federal University of Minas Gerais

PhD. in Psychoanalysis, professor at the Graduate Program in the Department of Psychology at UFMG.


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How to Cite

Gil Alcon Cabral, A. F., & França Neto, O. (2018). Lacan between Kant and Sade: the paternal law and the pluralization of the Names-of-the-Father. Affectio Societatis, 15(29), 84–106.