Anxiety, on this side of knowledge


  • Maximiliano Cosentino University of Buenos Aires



objectivity, objectality, epistemology, Kant, object a


This paper aims at addressing one aspect barely studied of the Lacanian bibliography, i.e., the reception of the Critique of Pure Reason –especially, the “Transcendental Aesthetic”– in Jacques Lacan’s seminary on Anxiety. Indeed, commentators of Lacan’s work have almost exclusively focused on his reception of Kant’s practical philosophy, putting aside the importance of the Critique of Pure Reason to delimit the object a. In this point, it will be necessary to recall the fundamental difference between objectivity and objectality in order to distinguish the desire on the base of the conditions of possibility from knowledge to desire.

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Author Biography

Maximiliano Cosentino, University of Buenos Aires

Lic. in Psychology. UBACyT Doctoral fellow, University professor, Psychoanalyst.


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How to Cite

Cosentino, M. (2019). Anxiety, on this side of knowledge. Affectio Societatis, 16(30), 132–143.