Preliminary interviews: the existence of the unconscious
preliminary interviews, structural diagnosis, Other, subjective rectification, hysterization, transference, unconsciousAbstract
From the question about the specificity of the analytic practice, this paper intends to delve into the logical moment named preliminary interviews, specifying elements of its theoretical grounds and its practice in the direction of the treatment. During the analytic process, it is possible to determine three different moments: the preliminary interviews, the analysis in the strict sense, and the end of analysis. The preliminary interviews are a practice whose history begins in the origins of psychoanalysis and whose praxis has adopted diverse forms and styles over time; its device allows to place the structural coordinates of the subject in front of the Other, producing a turn in the relation of the subject with their complaint by means of the subjective rectification. All this movement is produced in the context of transference. The existence of the unconscious is proposed as another elemental function of the preliminary interviews, which involves to put the unconscious in the place of the cause, showing the value of slips, dreams, acts, symptoms, etc.
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