The abnormal and pathological from Foucault to Freud: the legal-psychiatric discourse and psychoanalysis
psychiatry, psychoanalysis, law, abnormal, pathologyAbstract
Foucault has severely criticized Psychoanalysis in the 1970s. According to him, it is a normative knowledge capable of meeting medical-legal demands. Thus, knowledge about sexualtrieb (sexual drive) was essential to help building modern Psychopathology. Therefore, figures such as the masturbating child and the polymorphously perverse child appeared as the genealogy of the sexual or abnormal monster. Based on Foucault’s interpretation, Psychoanalysis arises insofar as it diagnoses individuals depending on different outcomes associated with the Oedipus complex. The aim of the current study is to investigate how Freudian Psychoanalysis responds to Foucault’s criticisms. According to our perspective, the concept of todestrieb (death drive) is fundamental to this endeavor.
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