Delphi and the pastoral: reflections on psychoanalysis applied from the narrative, the curative, and the orthodox


  • David Zachary Hafner University of Monterrey
  • Grecia Cárdenas Reyes University of Monterrey



analyzability, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, psychoanalytic ethos, superegoic ideals


Dreher writes: “The psychoanalytic perception without adequate psychoanalytic concepts is blind, the psychoanalytic concepts without a reference to relevant psychoanalytic phenomena are empty”. He also explains that the conceptual and empirical dimensions are intertwined in psychoanalytic conceptual research. This paper addresses the question of analyzability by refining the specificity of psychoanalysis in relation to psychotherapy and by considering that the boundaries of the treatable and of psychoanalysis recede in harmony with the analyst's superegoic ideals.

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Author Biographies

David Zachary Hafner, University of Monterrey

Profesor investigador y coordinador de la especialidad psicoanalítica de los posgrados en psicología clínica de la Universidad de Monterrey. Miembro del Laboratorio de Teoría y Clínica Psicoanalítica del Sujeto y la Cultura, de la línea de investigación modelos computacionales de estados cognitivos en poblaciones psiquiátricas, y de la Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society.

Grecia Cárdenas Reyes, University of Monterrey

Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, Tecnológico de Monterrey. Master in Clinical Psychology and specialist in Psychoanalytic Clinic, Universidad de Monterrey. She works in private practice in Monterrey (Mexico) and is a member of the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society.


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How to Cite

Zachary Hafner, D., & Cárdenas Reyes, G. (2021). Delphi and the pastoral: reflections on psychoanalysis applied from the narrative, the curative, and the orthodox. Affectio Societatis, 18(35).