Some considerations and derivations on desire


  • José Manuel Rodríguez Amieva Center for Advanced Studies



desire, conflict, passions, life in common


This paper collects some reflections that revive and connect different theories on desire, affections, and ways of life in common. It examines some implications of a succession of statements concerning specific attributes that can be considered inherent to desire. Based on philosophical and psychoanalytical insights, recognizing the semiotic dimension of passions, their collective scope is examined by considering analyses from sociology and Marxist theory. Finally, such apprehensions allow us to admit the immanence of the affective conflict within the human condition and return to the inquiry into the most convenient possible ways of our coexistence.

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Author Biography

José Manuel Rodríguez Amieva, Center for Advanced Studies

Degree in Psychology (2005-2012) and PhD in Semiotics (2012-2020) at the Center for Advanced Studies of the UNC. Member of the European Union project “A Lesson for Europe: Memory, Trauma and Reconciliation in Chile and Argentina, MEMOSUR”. Within this framework, he completed an internship as a visiting researcher at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom (2015). He has been a CONICET doctoral fellow and is currently an associate researcher of the project "On the margins: subjects, discourses and contemporary life policies (2018) of the SECyT, UNC. He exercises clinical psychoanalytic practice. In addition, he is a member of the Red de Vecinos de San Vicente and investigates problems related to collective memory and community psychology.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Amieva, J. M. (2021). Some considerations and derivations on desire. Affectio Societatis, 18(35).