Between Butler and Freud: repetition as a path to subversion
Butler, Freud, repetition, gender performativity, psychoanalytic treatmentAbstract
This paper aims to approach Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity and Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis from the notion of repetition. According to Butler, gender identities are produced and consolidated through the repetition of acts, gestures, and practices within the heterosexual and phallocentric matrix. Nevertheless, on the other hand, this repetition is neither stable nor immutable since it allows the subversion of the norms into which it is inserted. In the same way, according to the founder of psychoanalysis, the repetition of the repressed as an act in the transferential situation –inevitable in the treatment– opens the possibility of an effective change of the analysand. In this sense, the purpose is to show that the conception of repetition as a way for the emergence of the new and transformation may well be a meeting point between Butler's and Freud's thinking.
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