Lacan and Foucault go to Hitchcock’s movies.

Aesthetic manifestations of anti-philosophy




film, Foucault, Lacan, anti-philosophy


This paper aims to present some ways Lacan and Foucault approach cinema, notably Alfred Hitchcock’s, and denote how such an interest can be understood as a manifestation of an anti-philosophical discourse. In that sense, it is necessary to understand anti-philosophy as an “attitude” of placing oneself in front of the philosophical tradition in order to question the status of what could be an ontology. This leads us to wonder about the characteristics of the anti-philosophers. The working hypothesis is that Lacan and Foucault —both belonging to the generation of the French 1960s— can be considered anti-philosophers precisely because they tried to escape the “suffocation” provoked by philosophy.

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Author Biography

Héctor Reynaldo Chávez Muriel, Universidad del Valle

Psychoanalyst. Psychologist, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia (Cali-Colombia). Master in Philosophy, Universidad del Valle. Doctor in Philosophy, Universidad del Valle (scholarship of the Department of Philosophy), Cali-Colombia. Member of Ágora-Daimon Research Group and Research Group in Social Studies, Subjectivity, Interculturality and Local Development of the Universidad del Valle. Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, leader of the AGALMA Research Line in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, research coordinator and clinical area coordinator of University Wellbeing, North Cauca Campus, Universidad del Valle. PhD student in Psychology, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Chávez Muriel, H. R. (2023). Lacan and Foucault go to Hitchcock’s movies.: Aesthetic manifestations of anti-philosophy. Affectio Societatis, 20(39), 1–13.