The actor and the spectator, from Freud to Lacan


  • Carolina Roldán University of Antioquia



actor, audience, choir, body, jouissance, ghost


Taking in account Freud and Lacan works, this paper questions about what is the actor function in a theatrical performance; paraphrasing Lacan: What does the actor add to the written work? On the other hand, deeping into the mechanisms that the member of the audience uses to put in contact with the play and the actor, arousing his/her own life experiences and emotions through the theatrical experience.

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Author Biography

Carolina Roldán, University of Antioquia

Psychoanalyst. Professor of the Department of Psychology, University of Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia.


Freud, S. (1979) El porvenir de una ilusión. En J. Strachey (Ed.) y J. Etcheverry, (Trad.). Obras Completas (Vol. XXI). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Amorrortu Editores. (Trabajo original publicado en 1927).

__ (1973) Personajes Psicopáticos del Teatro. En Obras completas. (3ra. Ed.) Biblioteca Nueva.(Trabajo original publicado en 1942).

__ (1971) “Carta a Ivette Guilbert”. (1931) Epistolario II (1891-1939). Barcelona, España: Plaza y Janés.

__ (1971) “Carta a Marx Schiller”. (1931) Epistolario II (1891-1939). Barcelona, España: Plaza y Janés.

Lacan, J. (1959-1960) El seminario, libro 7, La ética del psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Paidós.

__ (1958-59) El seminario, Libro 6, El deseo y su interpretación, s/e.

__ (1970-1971) El seminario, libro 19,...Ou pire, s/e.

Reganult, F (1985) “Le héron de l’empereur. Freud y Lacan devant l’acteur”. En Revista Quarto Nº 23, Revista de la ECF Bélgica.



How to Cite

Roldán, C. (2011). The actor and the spectator, from Freud to Lacan. Affectio Societatis, 7(13), 1–8.



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