Psychoanalysis as the opposite of the law


  • Paula Winkler Kennedy University



psychoanalysis, law, symbolic dimension, epistemology


Psychoanalysis deals with the subject. The return to the subject in saying truth as from the unconscious (and the word) appears, from the beginning, as the epistemological reverse of the law. This latter is due to the public whereas psychoanalysis is due tothe private.The distinction between "public" and "private" becomes, regulated, from the Roman law -first-Legal Digest. Yet, theanalytical practice as an institutional policy, while rebuilding the social ties and materializing tension between the subject and the rule of law, allows the subject to dwell into the the real thing "making use" of the rule of law and placing it also in the social/symbolic dimension of the law.

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Author Biography

Paula Winkler, Kennedy University

Doctor in Law and Social Sciences. Master in Communication Sciences. Member of the National Tax Court. She has written several books and articles on legal doctrine. She has been a teacher at the National University of Buenos Aires, the University of Belgrano, invited by the University of El Salvador and by the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Complutense University, by the Autonomous University of Mexico, among others. She is a member of the Administrative Law Institute of the National Academy of Law and collaborates in magazines on semiotics, philosophy, psychoanalysis and literary criticism. Professor of the Master in Psychoanalysis directed by Dr. Amelia Imbriano, Kennedy University, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Winkler, P. (2011). Psychoanalysis as the opposite of the law. Affectio Societatis, 8(14), 1–19.