¿Nuevas práctica o vacío teórico? Una mirada al XI Salón Regional de artistas


  • Efrén Alexander Giraldo Quintero Universidad de Antioquia


In the boom of curatorial processes, the tasks of mediation and consumption of art are more valued than those of its production. The adoption of a curatorial dynamic in the framework of the last Regional Salon of Artists presented in the city should motivate an analysis that reviews the function of art exhibitions and the commitment that curators and intermediaries have with theory, criticism and pedagogy. . The article reviews these functions and makes a reflection on the institutional frameworks and on the critical, didactic and theoretical task that should continue animating any process of art presentation, given the pressing need that the city has to alleviate the critical and theoretical insufficiency and the Invisibility of the connoisseurs. In the art world, it is not so much what or how the work is or who made it, but how it arrives and how it is part of a context.

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How to Cite

Giraldo Quintero, E. A. . (2015). ¿Nuevas práctica o vacío teórico? Una mirada al XI Salón Regional de artistas. Artes La Revista, 6(11), 3–13. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/artesudea/article/view/23314



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