Sobre la argumentación discursiva en la elaboración de propuestas plásticas
The conception of art as an activity similar to scientific activity has been a constant from the 20th century to the present day; technique is presented as an act of poiesis, and the formal elegance of mechanical devices is elevated to the pinnacle of art. Art is not allowed to rival the technology of the engineer and invention is identified as the primary form of creation in the modern world. Now, if these have been some of the paradigms that have determined the artistic work of our time, we have that there are certain theoretical foundations inherent to art itself that define it as an intellectual activity differentiated from scientific-rationalist activity. brief historical tour through the different ideas and theoretical approaches that have been elaborated since aesthetics was founded as a science in 1750 by the German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten until today, in order to specify which are some of the said theoretical-conceptual foundations that serve based on artistic creation
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