Reflections on the problems of art and architecture as a result of the events of the reform and the counter-reform
Baroque, Mannerism, Renaissance, Reformation, Contrarreformation, Art HistoryAbstract
Based on the work of Giulio Carlo Argan, this text proposes a rereading of the Baroque and Mannerism within their historical context in the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, as well as the connections they hold with some of the modern artistic movements. This allows for a defense, supported by the concrete situation of the Italian Renaissance, of an art history that maintains both the durability of the classic and the need to understand it in its complexity and reinterpret it in the light of the contemporary world.
|Abstract = 367 veces
PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 573 veces|
How to Cite
Mejía Londoño, C. E. (2015). Reflections on the problems of art and architecture as a result of the events of the reform and the counter-reform. Artes La Revista, 10(17), 18–47. Retrieved from
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