Measurement and Visibility of Academic Production in the Arts


  • Carolina Montes Sepúlveda University of Antioquia
  • Henry Gómez Flórez


Academic production in arts, assessment of research products, knowledge validation systems, regulations on research in arts, Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ScienTI), measurement model for scientific research groups, technological development and innovation


This article discusses the way academic production is being recognized in social
sciences, humanities and the arts, with emphasis on the latter. To do so, the general panorama of the chances of recognition in the country is presented, starting from institutional documents, finding large asymmetries among the options offered by different universities, as well as the gap between what is valid in Decree 1279 of 2002 and the ScienTI platform. In addition, it delves into the case of the Universidad de Antioquia, comparing the different point scores for  each type of production that are covered by the systems that govern it...

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Author Biographies

Carolina Montes Sepúlveda, University of Antioquia

Sociologist, University of Antioquia. Researcher in the Social Networks and Actors group, Universidad de Antioquia.

Henry Gómez Flórez

Sociologist, University of Antioquia. Researcher in the Social Networks and Actors Group, Universidad de Antioquia


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How to Cite

Montes Sepúlveda, C., & Gómez Flórez, H. (2016). Measurement and Visibility of Academic Production in the Arts. Artes La Revista, 12(19), 130–143. Retrieved from


