Roots and nuances: construction and transformation of my experiences of gender, sexuality and body


  • Leidy Daniela Villa García University of Antioquia


Mediation, Gender, Body, Sexuality, Performance.


This article is the product of a work self-ethnography about communication, the body and the gender. In him, the dynamics of the communication come out the limits of the mass media thing and permeate other much more daily imbricated areas overlapped in cultural and subjective processes. One of the results of this one work was an offer in scene performative where I expressed the resignificances that I constructed of my own body and to be feminine so much masculine along the process of investigation. This strategy,
in which investigation has a crucial paper in the constructions identify and epistemic, alludes to the need to articulate in art with the communicative process, since across this one they can be constructed mean you and to give sense to the mediations elaborate during the process.
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Author Biography

Leidy Daniela Villa García, University of Antioquia

Communicator, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Villa García, L. D. (2017). Roots and nuances: construction and transformation of my experiences of gender, sexuality and body. Artes La Revista, 14(21), 138–164. Retrieved from



Artículos de Investigación