The languages of nature: art and life in the work by antioquian artist Maryluz Álvarez


  • Juan Camilo Ocaña Ochoa University of Antioquia
  • Lady Alexandra Hijuelos Posso University of Antioquia


Maryluz Álvarez, Land art, Art and life, Antioquian art, Artistic recognition.


This essay deals with some works of the Antioquian artist, Mariluz Álvarez, produced between 1992 and 2000, tracing from them lines of continuity and change in her career. In this journey some relevant stages are highlighted with powerful and evocative creative gambles that were carried out individually and collectively; relevant stages of her life are likewise elucidated, that influenced the decrease of her artistic production and her distancing from the art circles in Medellín. It develops, therefore, a reflection around the reasons why many names do not enter official accounts, because the nature of the world of art is subject to social and historical conditions that determine tastes and interests of buyers, collectors and the general public; however, the existence of personal variables can only be known when the thought and experience of the artist is investigated. This is something that we proposed at the end of the text. All of the preceding was specified as part of an investigation carried out by the Lockkus Gallery in 2015, on which we rely for bibliographic and newspaper reviews, and we conducted a series of interviews with people from the local artistic circuit, in addition to the interview with the artist in question that nurtured a large part of this work.

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Author Biographies

Juan Camilo Ocaña Ochoa, University of Antioquia

Master in Visual Arts.

Lady Alexandra Hijuelos Posso, University of Antioquia

Master in Visual Arts.


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How to Cite

Ocaña Ochoa, J. C., & Hijuelos Posso, L. A. (2019). The languages of nature: art and life in the work by antioquian artist Maryluz Álvarez. Artes La Revista, 15(22), 54–89. Retrieved from



Artículos de Investigación