Luis Uribe Bueno and his debut in the recording industry


  • Alexander Restrepo Peláez University of Antioquia


Luis Uribe Bueno, Autonomy of the art, Recording industry.


At the beginning of the 1950s, the first record companies emerged in Medellin, several of them with important technological advances that allowed their consolidation and positioning in the local and national
recording industries. As a result, the city became the axis of the country’s musical production. The specialization of functions of those involved in the technical aspect of recording production and advances in recording technology were determining factors of this cultural phenomenon. However, the participation of some musicians in the direction of these enterprises, gave a qualification framework that goes beyond the technical. This article portrays Luis Uribe Bueno’s incursion into Medellín’s recording industry, exhibiting his contributions to bambuco composition and performance, and providing a panoramic view of the traits that characterized the reception during that time of the national music industry. Therefore, through a chronological exercise, this article proposes an avenue to study the role of the musician in the dynamics of musical production. 
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Author Biography

Alexander Restrepo Peláez, University of Antioquia

Master in Guitar, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Restrepo Peláez, A. (2019). Luis Uribe Bueno and his debut in the recording industry. Artes La Revista, 16(23), 124–135. Retrieved from



Dossier: Música e industrial Culturales