Deviations and misunderstandings: displacement of art in the collective production labs


  • José Manuel Ruiz Martín University of Antioquia
  • César Augusto Portilla Karolis University of Antioquia


Media lab, Mediator artist, Social art, Transdisciplinarity.


In the last decades some spaces of artistic creation suffered changes. Rejecting the romantic idea of the individual creation, the first labs, with an interdisciplinary work model, appear in the second half of the Twentieth Century. Nowadays, this fact is visible in media labs, which use transdisciplinarity as a privileged model that seems to displace art and artist as the main axis of creation. This paper is focused on the displacement of art as the central nucleus of creation happening today in the contemporary labs. To reach this goal, we analyzed nine paradigmatic international spaces corresponding to three different periods of time: 1960-1980, 1980-2000, 2000-2017. By means of a mix methodology, we investigated the most relevant projects in these centers, as well the specific role played by the artists in such labs. We demonstrate how a high percentage of the projects developed in the contemporary media labs are not related to art. In addition, we show how the artists have been absorbed by transdisciplinary groups, devoted to ends different to art, such as education, social communication, business and so on. This paper is supported on the idea of the critical distance, excess, expectation and meeting as crucial definitions of art.
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Author Biographies

José Manuel Ruiz Martín, University of Antioquia

Doctor in New Cultural and Artistic Practices.

César Augusto Portilla Karolis, University of Antioquia

Doctor in Aesthetics, Sciences and Technologies of the Arts.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Martín, J. M., & Portilla Karolis, C. A. (2019). Deviations and misunderstandings: displacement of art in the collective production labs. Artes La Revista, 16(23), 178–196. Retrieved from



Artículos de Investigación