The ethics of care from feminist view


  • Margarita María Sáenz Zapata Universidad de Antioquia


Bioethics, Politics, Women, Ethics of care, Participation, Democracy


If bioethics is understood as the behavior aimed at the conservation and preservation of life in all its manifestations, that is, the relationship between humanity and its environment, it comes clear that what we are talking about is a rational being, as it refers to the pursue of attitudes of excellence —virtues— that unfold from our responsibility and commitment to the common benefit. Thus, caring for the nature and guarding for human dignity will be a call upon women, appealing to their cultural role as ‘providers’, ‘care givers’ and ‘life guardians’. A role that has been performed within a private-familiar scope, understood as the ‘ethics of care’ in order to sustain the transition of such labor into the public sphere, seeking for the empowerment of women towards their knowledge and their strength as group articulators. In this sense, citizen participation as rational beings makes women participants of a living democracy in which they express as part of a community.

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Author Biography

Margarita María Sáenz Zapata, Universidad de Antioquia

Magister en Medio Ambiente y Calidad de Vida. Universidad Católica de Chile. Filósofa de la Universidad de Antioquia. Actualmente es profesora de cátedra de la Universidad de Antioquia —Facultad de Comunicaciones— y del Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid.


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How to Cite

Sáenz Zapata, M. M. (2023). The ethics of care from feminist view. Artes La Revista, 18(25), 144–156. Retrieved from



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