Building Trust from Ethics within the Organization


  • Sebastián Dueñas Campo Pontifical Javeriana University
  • Lida Esperanza Villa Castaño Pontifical Javeriana University



business ethics, truts, management approaches


The project for developing and promoting business ethics in current companies is a
requirement, not an option for today’s organizations. Ethics is among the cultural and strategic
pillars of organizations; nevertheless, it has not been specifically developed as a tool that ensures
the construction of values. On the contrary, it has had a disturbing tendency to be only a corporate
and company-image strategy. This paper attempts, following different approaches of management
theory, to get close to a different business ethics proposal which is based on trust and on employees’
value as basis of organizations
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How to Cite

Dueñas Campo, S., & Villa Castaño, L. E. (2013). Building Trust from Ethics within the Organization. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (57), 69–82.


