Strategic Investment Funding and the Capital Market in Peru


  • Raúl A. Arrarte Mera National University of San Marcos



Investment Funding, Strategic Investments, Capital Market


a precise critique to the Peruvian economic model, implemented by the previous
government, 2005-2011, is the unrestricted opening of the domestic market to foreign investment. In
this view there are no strategic sectors or companies; therefore, the State should be excluded from
any interference or attempt of regulation. As a consequence, the aim of this paper is to promote
the conservation of the strategic sectors, with obligatory presence of the domestic capital and the
funding in the Lima Stock Exchange, while the development of the capital market is facilitated,
via shareholding, seeking transparency in economic and financial information. To that end, a
descriptive-explanatory documentary analysis was carried out, especially of the compared financial
statements published by the Lima Stock Exchange and the Private Investment Promotion Agency
(PROINVERSION) –and agency attached to the Peruvian government. As a conclusion, it is
necessary to amend Article 60, third paragraph, of the Political Constitution in order to increase the
creation of public companies and their participation in the Lima Stock Exchange
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How to Cite

Arrarte Mera, R. A. (2014). Strategic Investment Funding and the Capital Market in Peru. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (61), 111–130.


