On the Greatness of Being a Public Accounting Student
Great student, university, society, accounting education, public accountingAbstract
University and education are cornerstones for today’s society. From the latter it is hoped that the educational institutions fulfill its needs and requirements, and they are to be the motors of development and progress –Is this really achieved? –The builders of the future are being educated at university –What kind of people is being educated? – The Public Accounting students are in that group, and they are, as the other students, depositaries of the expectations of society. This paper postulates as the main feature of most of Public Accounting students their greatness condition. What is a great student? Why is the Accounting student a great student? These questions seek to be resolved in the course of the text. Besides, a path that has already begun to be drawn from long ago is proposed from the sense of possibility in order to maintain a relationship with the accounting thinking and knowledge different from what is being done today.
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