Some scenarios of financial accounting research in the international contex


  • Carlos Eduardo Castaño Rios University of Antioquia



Conservatism, financial accounting, transparency, financial crisis, accounting research


Research on the so-called financial accounting has been the major focus for many researchers in the accounting area, owing to its special impact in the organizational processes of allocation of economic resources, particularly in what concerns to the investment financing. Hence, the present review work has as main objective to demonstrate the relations that mainly concern international researchers who publish in the most important accounting journals in the world. As a final result, reflections are generated for future researches that may transcend what has been developed so far in search for a better future for the accounting profession and organizations that are object of financial information reporting
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How to Cite

Castaño Rios, C. E. (2015). Some scenarios of financial accounting research in the international contex. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (63), 85–95.




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