The management of daily life

some empirical counter-accounts on the existence of the other




Other, accounts, management, time, change


The modern human being has been characterized by some sociologists as an entity consumed by individualization, the need for perfection, and continuous competition. According to theory, this leads to behaviors that cause one to lose sight of the other and to regard them primarily as competitors. This paper develops the rationality with which this individual manages their own life while regarding the other as a potential source of benefits that could help them create their Ideal Self. Through this, a criticism of this vision is revealed, the beauty of the other’s existence is highlighted and arguments are presented to remind us that the other’s time is not completely lost

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How to Cite

Chica-Fernández, Ángela M. (2023). The management of daily life: some empirical counter-accounts on the existence of the other. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (82), 159–172.


