Semiotics, a methodological contribution to the understanding of somatic culture


  • Gloria Cecilia Vallejo Rendón University of Antioquia



Semiotic, non-verbal communica- tion, training, football/soccer, gymnastics, dance, piano, violin.


The text refers to the way semiotics has adapted itself, understood as a research methodology within the field of somatic culture, oriented towards the study of non verbal communication. We present the results of researches undertaken by the author, form the analysis of communica- tive situations that occur in dance, music, and sport. In such investigations we conclude that communicative situations that are generated in certain fields of knowledge are characterized by demanding precise handling and adequate body language to express concepts in which the word by itself is insufficient and inadequate, also that it can, sometimes, lead to confusion. Finally the existence and validity of a specialized non-verbal language is confirmed, and of its modalities in the field of semiotic, regardless of formal ver- bal processes and other linguistic matters that accompany it.

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Author Biography

Gloria Cecilia Vallejo Rendón, University of Antioquia

Magister in Linguistics. Associate Professor, Institute of Physical Education, University of Antioquia. Research group: Somatic Culture.


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How to Cite

Vallejo Rendón, G. C. (2011). Semiotics, a methodological contribution to the understanding of somatic culture. Educación Física Y Deporte, 30(1), 367–374.



Research articles